Route from Aberdeen to Broxbourne
The distance between Aberdeen and Broxbourne is 486 miles. Travel time is 8 hours and 49 minutes.
Driving directions from Aberdeen to Broxbourne
How much does it cost to travel from Aberdeen to Broxbourne by car?
The journey, fueled by petrol, comes to £84.2. In this calculation, we've assumed a petrol price of 143 pence per liter and the car's petrol consumption at 37.5 miles per gallon.
For those considering carpooling, with two passengers, the cost per person is £42.1 (£84.2/2). With three passengers, the cost reduces to £28.07 per person (£84.2/3). And for four passengers, it further decreases to £21.05 per person (£84.2/4).
To break it down further, here's how we arrive at the result:
The fuel required is determined by dividing the distance by the car's fuel consumption. For a journey of 485.78 miles, this calculation involves multiplying 485.78 miles by 4.54609 (liters per gallon) and dividing by the car's consumption of 37.5 mpg, resulting in 58.9 liters of fuel needed.
The fuel cost is then calculated by multiplying the fuel needed by the price per liter. For 58.9 liters of fuel at 143 pence per liter, the total comes to £84.2.
In conclusion, the fuel cost from Aberdeen to Broxbourne amounts to £84.2.
One thing that can affect car fuel consumption is the use of air conditioning (AC) for the following reasons:
Engine Load: When the AC is turned on, the compressor in the car's engine needs to work harder to cool and circulate the air. This extra workload can increase the engine's fuel consumption, especially during city driving or when the car is idling.
Drag Effect: Running the AC can also increase aerodynamic drag, particularly at higher speeds. This means the engine needs to work harder to maintain speed, resulting in higher fuel consumption.
Accessory Load: In addition to the AC compressor, other electrical components such as the blower fan and condenser fan also draw power from the engine when the AC is running. This increases the overall electrical load on the engine, leading to higher fuel consumption.
Driving Conditions: The impact of AC on fuel consumption can vary depending on driving conditions. For example, using the AC while driving at lower speeds or in stop-and-go traffic may have a more significant effect on fuel consumption compared to highway driving.
Efficiency Settings: Some cars come equipped with features like "Eco" mode or variable AC compressor speeds, which can help reduce the impact of AC on fuel consumption. Using these features can help optimize fuel efficiency while still keeping the cabin cool.
Overall, while using the AC can increase fuel consumption to some extent, it's often a necessary trade-off for comfort, especially during hot weather. However, minimizing AC usage when possible, such as using the car's ventilation system or rolling down windows at lower speeds, can help mitigate its impact on fuel consumption.
Diesel cost from Aberdeen to Broxbourne.
The trip with diesel fuel costs 53.2 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 26.6 £ (53.2/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 17.73 £ (53.2/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 13.3 £ (53.2/4) /p.
Where is Aberdeen located?
Aberdeen is located in Aberdeen City county and in Scotland. It is situated at an altitude of 21 meters above sea level. Aberdeen has coordinates 57.1497170o,-2.0942780o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Aberdeen from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.
What is the location of Broxbourne?
Broxbourne is located in Hertfordshire county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 38 meters above sea level. Broxbourne has coordinates 51.7434730o,-0.0211510o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Broxbourne from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.
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