Route from Ashford to Plymouth
The distance between Ashford and Plymouth is 266 miles. Travel time is 4 hours and 42 minutes.

Driving directions from Ashford to Plymouth
What's the expense of traveling from Ashford to Plymouth by car?
Driving from Ashford to Plymouth costs £46.1 if you use petrol. Break it down. The automobile gets 37.5 mpg and costs 143 pence per litre. If you want to carpool with friends, each of you simply pays £23.05 (£46.1 split by 2). With three friends, it's £15.37 each (£46.1 divided by 3), and with four, it's £11.53 a piece. So that's the trip's finances.
Let's examine how we got these numbers. The fuel cost depends on your car's thirst and distance. About 32.2 litres of petrol are needed for this trip. This accounts for the £46.1 Ashford-Plymouth fare.
In all, the travel costs £46.1 due to distance, petrol price, and car fuel use. Knowing these prices can help you budget and organise your trip, whether you're flying alone or with company.
Road conditions affect fuel usage for the following reasons:
Surface Roughness: Potholes, fissures, and uneven pavement increase rolling resistance. This makes the tires work harder to maintain speed, increasing fuel consumption.
Tire-road surface friction increases with poor road conditions. Friction causes drag, which makes the engine work harder. Therefore, fuel usage might rise, especially at high speeds.
Traffic Congestion: Heavy traffic causes stops and idling in traffic queues. Constant acceleration and deceleration might increase fuel consumption compared to open roadways.
Elevation Changes: Steep inclines or falls can effect fuel usage, especially for smaller engines. Uphill climbing takes more engine power and petrololine, whereas descending downhill may require more braking and fuel to regulate.
Rain, snow, and ice can impair road traction and vehicle stability. Adjusting speed and driving behavior can affect fuel consumption.
Good pavement and smooth roads use less fuel than rough or badly maintained roads. Smooth roads reduce rolling resistance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Road conditions greatly affect fuel use, so drivers' fuel economy may vary.
Diesel cost from Ashford to Plymouth.
The trip with diesel fuel costs 29.1 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 14.55 £ (29.1/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 9.7 £ (29.1/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 7.28 £ (29.1/4) /p.
Where is Ashford located?
Ashford is located in Kent county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 46 meters above sea level. Ashford has coordinates 51.1464659o,0.8750190o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Ashford from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.
What is the location of Plymouth?
Plymouth is located in Devon county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 27 meters above sea level. Plymouth has coordinates 50.3754565o,-4.1426565o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Plymouth from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.