Route from Basildon to Wiltshire by car

The driving distance between Basildon and Wiltshire is 138 miles. Travel time is 2 hours and 29 minutes by car.

From: Basildon, County: Essex, England
To: Wiltshire, County: Wiltshire, England
138 mi , 2 h 29 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Basildon to Wiltshire on map

Driving directions from Basildon to Wiltshire

138 mi 2 h 29 min
Head north on Craylands
302 ft
Turn left
140 ft
Continue slightly left onto Churchill Avenue
1121 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Broadmayne (A1321)
408 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Broadmayne (A1321)
1.4 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Upper Mayne (A176)
213 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Upper Mayne (A176)
0.7 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Upper Mayne (A176)
164 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Upper Mayne (A176)
0.3 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A127
16 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A127
1307 ft
Merge right onto Southend Arterial Road (A127)
6.3 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards M25
0.3 mi
Enter Cranham Interchange and take the 3rd exit onto M25
1158 ft
Exit the roundabout onto M25
17.6 mi
Continue onto M25
35.9 mi
Take exit 15 on the left towards M4: London (West)
980 ft
Keep right towards M4: The West
0.8 mi
Merge right onto M4
46.6 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards A338
0.3 mi
Enter Wickham Interchange and take the 1st exit onto A338
94 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A338
2.7 mi
Turn right onto Charnham Street (A4)
532 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Charnham Street (A4)
28 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Charnham Street (A4)
642 ft
Make a slight right to stay on Charnham Street (A4)
0.4 mi
Continue onto Strongrove Hill (A4)
9.3 mi
Turn left onto Salisbury Road (A346)
76 ft
Turn right onto George Lane (B3052)
0.4 mi
Turn right onto Pewsey Road (A345)
730 ft
Continue left onto Bridewell Street (A4)
6.4 mi
Enter Beckhampton Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A361
170 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A361
5.7 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto London Road (A361)
143 ft
Exit the roundabout onto London Road (A361)
1078 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto London Road (A361)
171 ft
Exit the roundabout onto London Road (A361)
0.9 mi
Continue slightly right onto Estcourt Street (A361)
993 ft
Turn left onto A342
148 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Southbroom Road (A360)
217 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Southbroom Road (A360)
0.3 mi
Turn right onto Long Street (A360)
449 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right
0 ft

What's the expense of traveling from Basildon to Wiltshire by car?

The trip fueled by petrol comes to £24. This calculation is based on a petrol price of 143 pence per liter and the car's consumption rate of 37.5 miles per gallon.

For those interested in carpooling, the cost per passenger decreases with more occupants. With two passengers, each person's share is £12 (£24/2). For three passengers, the cost per person reduces to £8 (£24/3), and with four passengers, it further decreases to £6 (£24/4).

To delve deeper into the calculation, let's examine how we arrive at the result:

Firstly, we determine the fuel required by dividing the distance by the car's fuel consumption rate. For a journey of 138.19 miles, this calculation involves multiplying 138.19 miles by 4.54609 (liters per gallon) and dividing by the car's consumption of 37.5 mpg, resulting in 16.8 liters of fuel needed.

Next, we calculate the fuel cost by multiplying the fuel needed by the price per liter. With 16.8 liters of fuel at 143 pence per liter, the total cost comes to £24.

In summary, the fuel cost for the trip from Basildon to Wiltshire amounts to £24.

Diesel cost from Basildon to Wiltshire.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 15.1 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 7.55 £ (15.1/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 5.03 £ (15.1/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 3.78 £ (15.1/4) /p.

Diesel engines consume less fuel than petrol engines, all else being equal. Diesel fuel's higher energy density and diesel engines' superior thermal efficiency are the main reasons. Diesel fuel has more energy per litre than petrol, and diesel engines utilise that energy more efficiently.

Higher compression ratios improve thermal efficiency and allow diesel engines to extract more energy from each fuel unit. Diesel vehicles get better fuel efficiency and travel farther per gallon or litre than petrol vehicles of equal size and performance.

The choice between diesel and petrol automobiles depends on fuel economy, driving patterns, environmental concerns, and local fuel prices and availability.

Alternative routes from Basildon to Wiltshire

The second route from Basildon to the Wiltshire is 138.86 miles and takes 2 hours and 32 minutes.

The third route from Basildon to the Wiltshire is 135.09 miles and takes 3 hours and 3 minutes.

Which is the cheapest route from Basildon to Wiltshire by car?

The cheapest route from Basildon to Wiltshire is the third suggested route (135mi, 3h 3min) and costs 23.4 £ (petrol fuel cost, 143p/lt, 37.5mpg).

The second cheapest route from Basildon to Wiltshire is the first suggested route (138mi, 2h 29min) and costs 24 £.

The most expensive route from Basildon to Wiltshire is the second suggested route (139mi, 2h 32min) and costs 24.1 £.

For greater safety, the driver should choose the route that passes through the highway (median barrier) and not through smaller roads (curves in the road, bad road conditions, no median barrier).

How to get from Basildon to Wiltshire?

There are three suggested routes. The fastest route is 138mi (distance from Basildon to Wiltshire) and its duration is 2h 29min. The other route is 139mi, and its duration is 2h 32min. The slowest route is 135mi, and its duration is 3h 3min.

RouteCalculator provides you with the information to prepare your trip from Basildon to Wiltshire by car or motorbike. It offers you alternative road routes that you can follow to go from Basildon to Wiltshire. It provides driving directions from Basildon to Wiltshire, i.e. where to turn and when, distance of the Basildon - Wiltshire route, travel time, display of the route on the map, fuel cost (petrol, diesel) and toll (if exist) cost.

In case you share the journey (carpooling) from Basildon to Wiltshire with other people or friends, RouteCalculator provides the cost of the journey and the amount that each passenger will have to pay.

Where is Basildon located?

Basildon is located in Essex county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 21 meters above sea level. Basildon has coordinates 51.5760840o,0.4887360o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Basildon from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.

What is the location of Wiltshire?

Wiltshire is located in Wiltshire county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 134 meters above sea level. Wiltshire has coordinates 51.3491996o,-1.9927105o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Wiltshire from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.