Route from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire by car

The driving distance between Cheshire East and East Northamptonshire is 125 miles. Travel time is 2 hours and 11 minutes by car.

From: Cheshire East, County: Cheshire, England
To: East Northamptonshire, County: Northamptonshire, England
125 mi , 2 h 11 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire on map

Driving directions from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire

125 mi 2 h 11 min
Head west on The Crescent
472 ft
Turn left onto Crescent Road
850 ft
Turn right onto Davenport Street
468 ft
Enter West Road Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto West Road (A34)
28 ft
Exit the roundabout onto West Road (A34)
0.4 mi
Enter Newcastle Road Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Sandbach Road (A534)
135 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Sandbach Road (A534)
1.2 mi
Enter Wallhill Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Sandbach Road (A534)
37 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Sandbach Road (A534)
1.9 mi
Continue onto Spark Lane (A534)
1 mi
Continue onto Congleton Road (A534)
1.2 mi
Take the ramp on the left
172 ft
Continue onto M6
38.6 mi
Keep left onto M6
9.4 mi
Keep right onto M6
38.9 mi
Continue towards A14: Felixstowe
18.1 mi
Take the ramp on the left onto A43
0.3 mi
Keep right at the fork
436 ft
Enter Glebe Farm Interchange and take the 1st exit onto A43
17 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A43
1.4 mi
Keep left onto Rockingham Road (A43)
1.4 mi
Enter Barford Bridge Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A43
238 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A43
4.1 mi
Enter Eurohub Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Stamford Road (A43)
205 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Stamford Road (A43)
0.3 mi
Enter Geddington Road Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Stamford Road (A43)
247 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Stamford Road (A43)
0.3 mi
Turn right onto Stamford Road
0.9 mi
Make a slight right onto Church Street
0.4 mi
Turn right onto Oundle Road
0.3 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A427
181 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A427
0.4 mi
Turn right to stay on Oundle Road (A427)
69 ft
Keep left onto Oundle Road (A427)
3.9 mi
You have arrived at your destination, on the left
0 ft

How much does it cost to travel from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire by car?

The journey from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire by car comes with a price tag of £21.7 if you're using petrol. Let's break it down. The petrol price we're talking about here is 143 pence per liter, and the car chugs along at miles per gallon. Now, if you're thinking about carpooling with a couple of mates, each of you only has to fork out £10.85 for the trip (£21.7 divided by 2). With three buddies on board, it's about £7.23 each (£21.7 divided by 3), and if you've got a full car of four, it's just £5.43 each (£21.7 divided by 4). So, that's the financial aspect of the journey.

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how we got these figures. The fuel cost calculation is based on how far you're traveling and how thirsty your car is. For this journey, you'd need about 15.1 liters of fuel. And that's where the £21.7 comes from for the trip from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire.

In summary, the total fuel cost for the journey is £21.7, factoring in the distance, petrol price, and car fuel consumption. Whether you're flying solo or sharing the ride with friends, knowing the breakdown of these costs can help you plan your trip and budget accordingly.

Diesel cost from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 13.7 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 6.85 £ (13.7/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 4.57 £ (13.7/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 3.43 £ (13.7/4) /p.

When comparing diesel fuel and petrol (gasoline) fuel in terms of octane rating, there's a significant distinction:

  1. Petrol (Gasoline): Typically has an octane rating between 87 and 95, crucial for preventing engine knocking in spark-ignition engines.

  2. Diesel Fuel: Doesn't have an octane rating as it's not used in spark-ignition engines. Diesel engines rely on compression ignition, so diesel fuel is formulated to ignite under high pressure, making octane rating irrelevant for diesel fuel.

Alternative routes from Cheshire East to East Northamptonshire

The second route from Cheshire East to the East Northamptonshire is 107.52 miles and takes 2 hours and 21 minutes.