Route from Crawley to Uttlesford by car

The driving distance between Crawley and Uttlesford is 81 miles. Travel time is 1 hour and 30 minutes by car.

From: Crawley, County: West Sussex, England
To: Uttlesford, County: Essex, England
81 mi , 1 h 30 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Crawley to Uttlesford on map

Driving directions from Crawley to Uttlesford

81 mi 1 h 30 min
Head north
174 ft
Turn right onto Beeches Crescent
222 ft
Turn left onto Brewer Road
572 ft
Turn left onto Southgate Drive
581 ft
Turn left onto Southgate Avenue (A2004)
0.4 mi
Continue onto College Road (A2004)
931 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Northgate Avenue (A2004)
287 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Northgate Avenue (A2004)
0.9 mi
Enter Hazelwick Avenue and take the 3rd exit onto Crawley Avenue (A2011)
614 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Crawley Avenue (A2011)
1.2 mi
Enter Crawley Interchange and take the 1st exit towards M23: London
85 ft
Exit the roundabout towards M23: London
8.8 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards M25(CW)|M25(CW)|M25(ACW)|M25(ACW)
0.3 mi
Keep right at the fork
0.7 mi
Merge right onto M25
11.3 mi
Keep left towards M25: (M11
11.7 mi
Continue onto Canterbury Way (A282)
1.7 mi
Keep left onto Canterbury Way (A282)
2.9 mi
Continue towards M25: (M11
15.7 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards M11 (S): London (NE & C)
0.6 mi
Keep right towards M11: Stansted
0.7 mi
Merge right onto M11
13.7 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards A120(W)|A120(W)
0.4 mi
Enter Birchanger Green Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A120
293 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A120
1.4 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Stansted Road (B1383)
529 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Stansted Road (B1383)
1 mi
Continue onto Silver Street (B1383)
0.4 mi
Continue onto Cambridge Road (B1383)
0.7 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Cambridge Road (B1383)
104 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Cambridge Road (B1383)
1.2 mi
Continue onto London Road (B1383)
1.3 mi
Continue onto Cambridge Road (B1383)
1.7 mi
Turn right onto Widdington Road
0.6 mi
Make a slight left to stay on Widdington Road
1 mi
You have arrived at your destination, on the left
0 ft

What's the expense of traveling from Crawley to Uttlesford by car?

If you're using petrol, you're looking at an expense of 14.1 quid. Now, how do we get to that number? Let's break it down.

First off, we need to consider the price of petrol. In this calculation, it's set at 143 pence per liter. Then, we need to know how thirsty your car is. The fuel consumption rate for this ride is miles per gallon.

Now, if you're carpooling, the cost gets divvied up. For two people sharing the ride, it's gonna be 7.05 quid each (£14.1 divided by 2). If you've got three folks in the car, the cost per person comes down to about 4.7 quid (£14.1 divided by 3). And if it's a full house with four passengers, each person chips in 3.53 quid (£14.1 divided by 4).

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of the calculations. To figure out how much fuel you need for the trip, it's all about distance and fuel efficiency. The distance between Crawley and Uttlesford is about 81.21 miles. So, to cover that distance, your car's gonna need approximately 9.8 liters of petrol. We got that number by dividing the distance by the car's fuel consumption rate of miles per gallon and then converting it to liters 'cause that's what we use here.

Once we know how much fuel we need, we can calculate the total cost. Multiply the amount of fuel (9.8 liters) by the price per liter (143 pence), and you get 14.1 quid. So, there you have it, the fuel cost for your journey from Crawley to Uttlesford: 14.1 pounds.


Fuel consumption in automobiles can be affected by the following factors:

In severe traffic, drivers frequently have to stop and start their vehicles multiple times, and they also have to wait in traffic lines for extended periods of time. When compared to driving on open highways with the flow of traffic, this frequent acceleration and deceleration might contribute to an increase in the amount of fuel that is consumed.

It is possible to increase fuel consumption by carrying additional weight in the vehicle, such as large goods or objects that are not necessary. This is because the engine is put under additional pressure while the vehicle is carrying excess weight. Improving fuel economy can be accomplished by removing unneeded weight.

Elevation Changes: Driving on roads that have steep inclines or drops can have an effect on fuel usage, particularly for vehicles that have engines that are not as strong. During a descent downhill, it may be necessary to use greater braking and petrololine in order to maintain control, but climbing uphill takes more power from the engine, which in turn consumes more fuel.

Weather Conditions: Unfavourable weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or strong winds, can have an impact on the amount of petrololine that is consumed. It may be necessary for drivers to modify their speed and driving behaviour in response to these conditions, which will have an effect on fuel efficiency.

Diesel cost from Crawley to Uttlesford.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 8.9 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 4.45 £ (8.9/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 2.97 £ (8.9/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 2.23 £ (8.9/4) /p.

Alternative routes from Crawley to Uttlesford

The second route from Crawley to the Uttlesford is 96.28 miles and takes 2 hours and 13 minutes.