Route from Enfield to Allerdale
The distance between Enfield and Allerdale is 302 miles. Travel time is 5 hours and 3 minutes.
Driving directions from Enfield to Allerdale
How much is the expense of driving from Enfield to Allerdale?
The expense of driving from Enfield to Allerdale using petrol amounts to £52.4. This computation is based on a petrol price of 143 pence per liter and a car's fuel efficiency of 37.5 miles per gallon. For those considering carpooling arrangements, the cost per passenger decreases with more occupants. With two passengers, the cost per person is £26.2 (£52.4 divided by 2). With three passengers, it's approximately £17.47 per person (£52.4 divided by 3), and with four passengers, it's £13.1 per person (£52.4 divided by 4).
To delve deeper into the calculations, we can explore the fuel cost calculation. This is determined by the distance traveled and the car's fuel consumption rate. For this journey, approximately 36.6 liters of fuel would be required. Multiplying this by the petrol price per liter results in the total fuel cost of £52.4 for the trip from Enfield to Allerdale.
Diesel cost from Enfield to Allerdale.
The trip with diesel fuel costs 33.1 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 16.55 £ (33.1/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 11.03 £ (33.1/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 8.28 £ (33.1/4) /p.
Diesel engines vs petrol engines:
Spark Ignition (Petrol Engines): In petrol engines, the ignition process begins with the introduction of an air-fuel mixture into the combustion chamber. A spark plug then generates a high-voltage electrical spark, which ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture, initiating combustion. This method is known as spark ignition, as the spark plug plays a crucial role in igniting the mixture.
Compression Ignition (Diesel Engines): Diesel engines operate on a different principle known as compression ignition. In these engines, air is compressed within the combustion chamber to a high temperature and pressure by the upward movement of the piston. This compression causes the diesel fuel, injected into the combustion chamber, to ignite spontaneously without the need for a spark plug. The high pressure and temperature created during compression cause the diesel fuel to combust, driving the power stroke of the engine.
Where is Enfield located?
Enfield is located in Greater London county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 50 meters above sea level. Enfield has coordinates 51.6622925o,-0.1180655o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Enfield from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.
What is the location of Allerdale?
Allerdale is located in Cumbria county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 217 meters above sea level. Allerdale has coordinates 54.6990638o,-3.1994197o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Allerdale from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.