Route from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington

The distance between Merthyr Tydfil and Islington is 172 miles. Travel time is 3 hours and 15 minutes.

From: Merthyr Tydfil, County: , Wales
To: Islington, County: Greater London, England
172 mi , 3 h 15 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington on map

Driving directions from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington

172 mi 3 h 15 min
Head northwest on Avenue de Clichy (A4054)
0.3 mi
Continue onto Swansea Road (A4102)
0.3 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Swansea Road (A4102)
157 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Swansea Road (A4102)
278 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A470
15 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A470
1.2 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A470
258 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A470
1.6 mi
Enter Abercanaid Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A470
262 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A470
5.5 mi
Enter Abercynon Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A470
323 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A470
9.7 mi
Take the ramp on the left
794 ft
Enter Taff's Well Interchange and take the 1st exit onto Merthyr Road (A4054)
180 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Merthyr Road (A4054)
1 mi
Enter Coryton Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto M4
269 ft
Exit the roundabout onto M4
21.9 mi
Keep right onto M4
121 mi
Merge left onto Great West Road (A4)
840 ft
Continue onto Cedars Road (A4)
0.3 mi
Continue onto Ellesmere Road (A4)
0.4 mi
Continue onto Hogarth Lane (A4)
0.3 mi
Enter Hogarth Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Great West Road (A4)
99 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Great West Road (A4)
0.9 mi
Continue onto Hammersmith Flyover (A4)
0.7 mi
Continue onto Talgarth Road (A4)
0.5 mi
Continue onto West Cromwell Road (A4)
1.5 mi
Continue onto Cromwell Gardens (A4)
503 ft
Continue onto Thurloe Place (A4)
574 ft
Continue onto Brompton Road (A4)
0.5 mi
Continue onto Knightsbridge (A4)
1256 ft
Go straight onto A4
1.1 mi
Keep right onto Piccadilly Circus (A4)
116 ft
Continue slightly right onto Shaftesbury Avenue (A401)
0.5 mi
Turn right onto High Holborn
559 ft
Turn left onto Museum Street (A401)
323 ft
Turn right onto Bloomsbury Way (A40)
1139 ft
Continue onto Theobalds Road (A40)
0.4 mi
Keep left onto Rosebery Avenue (A401)
0.7 mi
Turn left onto St. John Street (A401)
756 ft
Continue onto Islington High Street (A1)
415 ft
Continue onto Upper Street (A1)
1005 ft
Turn right onto Islington Green (A104)
601 ft
Continue onto Essex Road (A104)
846 ft
Turn left onto Dagmar Terrace
293 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the left
0 ft

How much does it cost to drive from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington?

If you're using petrol, it's gonna set you back 29.9 quid. In this calculation, they're saying the petrol price is 143 pence per liter, and the car's gonna guzzle down 37.5 miles for every gallon of that stuff.

Now, if you're carpooling, the cost gets split up between everyone riding. So, if there are two people in the car, it's gonna be 14.95 quid each (£29.9 divided by 2). With three buddies on board, it works out to around 9.97 quid per person (£29.9 divided by 3). And if you've got a full car with four people, it's only 7.48 quid per person (£29.9 divided by 4).

Breaking down the numbers, the fuel cost is calculated based on how far you're going and how much gas your car chugs. For this trip, you're gonna need about 20.9 liters of fuel. They figured that out by dividing the distance of 172.35 miles by the car's fuel consumption rate of 37.5 miles per gallon, and then converting that to liters 'cause, you know, the UK uses liters.

So, you take the fuel needed, which is 20.9 liters, and you multiply it by the price per liter, which is 143 pence. And voilà, you got yourself the total fuel cost for the trip from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington: 29.9 quid.


Diesel cost from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 18.9 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 9.45 £ (18.9/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 6.3 £ (18.9/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 4.73 £ (18.9/4) /p.

Diesel fuel and petrol (gasoline) fuel in terms of emissions:

  • Diesel Fuel: Diesel combustion generally results in higher emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter compared to petrol combustion. This is primarily due to the combustion characteristics of diesel engines and the composition of diesel fuel. However, modern diesel vehicles incorporate advanced emission control technologies such as particulate filters and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems to mitigate these emissions effectively.

  • Petrol (Gasoline): Petrol combustion typically leads to lower emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter compared to diesel combustion. This is because petrol itself contains fewer impurities, resulting in fewer emitted particulates. Additionally, petrol engines may emit lower levels of nitrogen oxides due to differences in combustion processes and engine design.

In summary, while both diesel and petrol engines emit pollutants, diesel engines historically produced higher emissions. Nevertheless, advancements in emission control technologies have enabled both diesel and petrol vehicles to meet strict emissions standards.

Alternative routes from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington

The slowest route from Merthyr Tydfil to the Islington is 172.45 miles and takes 3 hours and 41 minutes.

Which is the cheapest route from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington by car?

The cheapest route from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington is the suggested route (0ft, ) and costs £ (petrol fuel cost, 143p/lt, 37.5mpg).

The most expensive route from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington is the suggested route (0ft, ) and costs £.

For greater safety, the driver should choose the route that passes through the highway (median barrier) and not through smaller roads (curves in the road, bad road conditions, no median barrier).

How to get from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington?

There are two suggested routes. The fastest route is 172mi (distance from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington) and its duration is 3h 15min. The slowest route is 172mi, and its duration is 3h 41min.

RouteCalculator provides you with the information to prepare your trip from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington by car or motorbike. It offers you alternative road routes that you can follow to go from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington. It provides driving directions from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington, i.e. where to turn and when, distance of the Merthyr Tydfil - Islington route, travel time, display of the route on the map, fuel cost (petrol, diesel) and toll (if exist) cost.

In case you share the journey (carpooling) from Merthyr Tydfil to Islington with other people or friends, RouteCalculator provides the cost of the journey and the amount that each passenger will have to pay.

Where is Merthyr Tydfil located?

Merthyr Tydfil is located in Wales. It is situated at an altitude of 178 meters above sea level. Merthyr Tydfil has coordinates 51.7487300o,-3.3816460o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Merthyr Tydfil from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.

What is the location of Islington?

Islington is located in Greater London county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 34 meters above sea level. Islington has coordinates 51.5384433o,-0.1007341o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Islington from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.