Route from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle by car

The driving distance between Nuneaton and Bedworth and Carlisle is 214 miles. Travel time is 3 hours and 32 minutes by car.

From: Nuneaton and Bedworth, County: Warwickshire, England
To: Carlisle, County: Cumbria, England
214 mi , 3 h 32 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

How many miles from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle?

Driving directions from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle

214 mi 3 h 32 min
Head west on Gipsy Lane
0.8 mi
Turn right onto Coventry Road (B4113)
415 ft
Enter Griff Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Bedworth Bypass (A444)
45 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Bedworth Bypass (A444)
0.3 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Bedworth Bypass (A444)
148 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Bedworth Bypass (A444)
2.3 mi
Enter Exhall Interchange and take the 4th exit
0.3 mi
Exit the roundabout
0.3 mi
Merge right onto M6
7.6 mi
Keep left onto M6
14.2 mi
Keep right onto M6
7.9 mi
Keep right onto M6
72 mi
Keep right onto M6
106 mi
Take the ramp on the left
1060 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Rotary Way (A69)
87 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Rotary Way (A69)
0.3 mi
Continue onto Warwick Road (A69)
1.5 mi
Make a sharp right onto Lowther Street (A7)
68 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right
0 ft

How much does it cost to drive from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle?

If you're using petrol, it's gonna set you back 37 quid. In this calculation, they're saying the petrol price is 143 pence per liter, and the car's gonna guzzle down miles for every gallon of that stuff.

Now, if you're carpooling, the cost gets split up between everyone riding. So, if there are two people in the car, it's gonna be 18.5 quid each (£37 divided by 2). With three buddies on board, it works out to around 12.33 quid per person (£37 divided by 3). And if you've got a full car with four people, it's only 9.25 quid per person (£37 divided by 4).

Breaking down the numbers, the fuel cost is calculated based on how far you're going and how much gas your car chugs. For this trip, you're gonna need about 25.9 liters of fuel. They figured that out by dividing the distance of 213.62 miles by the car's fuel consumption rate of miles per gallon, and then converting that to liters 'cause, you know, the UK uses liters.

So, you take the fuel needed, which is 25.9 liters, and you multiply it by the price per liter, which is 143 pence. And voilà, you got yourself the total fuel cost for the trip from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle: 37 quid.


Diesel cost from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 23.4 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 11.7 £ (23.4/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 7.8 £ (23.4/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 5.85 £ (23.4/4) /p.

Alternative routes from Nuneaton and Bedworth to Carlisle

The second route from Nuneaton and Bedworth to the Carlisle is 239.73 miles and takes 4 hours and 58 minutes.