Route from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen by car

The driving distance between Rushcliffe and Rutherglen is 296 miles. Travel time is 5 hours and 7 minutes by car.

From: Rushcliffe, County: Nottinghamshire, England
To: Rutherglen, County: South Lanarkshire, Scotland
296 mi , 5 h 7 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen on map

Driving directions from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen

296 mi 5 h 7 min
Head south on A46
1.7 mi
Take the ramp on the left
0.3 mi
Merge right onto A46
16.2 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Newark Bypass (A46)
447 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Newark Bypass (A46)
1.6 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Great North Road (A616)
135 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Great North Road (A616)
1.5 mi
Turn right to stay on Great North Road (B6325)
1.2 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A1
274 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A1
46.3 mi
Keep right onto A1(M)
35 mi
Keep right towards A1(M): The North
23.1 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards A6055: Richmond
0.3 mi
Enter Scotch Corner and take the 2nd exit towards Brough
333 ft
Exit the roundabout towards Brough
9 mi
Continue onto A66
2.8 mi
Turn right onto B6277
1.8 mi
Go straight onto Lartington Lane (B6277)
8.2 mi
Turn left
0.4 mi
Go straight onto B6276
13.1 mi
Turn left onto New Road (B6276)
818 ft
Take the ramp
1176 ft
Merge right onto A66
20.3 mi
Enter Kemplay Bank Roundabout and take the 2nd exit towards Keswick
483 ft
Exit the roundabout towards Keswick
0.8 mi
Keep right onto Skirsgill Roundabout (A66)
291 ft
Take the ramp on the left towards M6(N): Carlisle
1142 ft
Merge right onto M6
27.8 mi
Continue onto A74(M)
48.9 mi
Continue onto M74
33.3 mi
Take the ramp on the left onto M74
0.3 mi
Turn left onto Cambuslang Road (A724)
1138 ft
Enter Hamilton Road and take the 2nd exit onto Hamilton Road (B768)
177 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Hamilton Road (B768)
244 ft
Continue onto Main Street (B768)
0.9 mi
Continue onto Burnhill Street (B768)
1055 ft
Turn right onto Pinkerton Avenue
251 ft
Turn right onto Glebe Place
219 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the left
0 ft

How much does it cost to travel from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen by car?

The journey, fueled by petrol, comes to £51.4. In this calculation, we've assumed a petrol price of 143 pence per liter and the car's petrol consumption at miles per gallon.

For those considering carpooling, with two passengers, the cost per person is £25.7 (£51.4/2). With three passengers, the cost reduces to £17.13 per person (£51.4/3). And for four passengers, it further decreases to £12.85 per person (£51.4/4).

To break it down further, here's how we arrive at the result:

The fuel required is determined by dividing the distance by the car's fuel consumption. For a journey of 296.39 miles, this calculation involves multiplying 296.39 miles by 4.54609 (liters per gallon) and dividing by the car's consumption of mpg, resulting in 35.9 liters of fuel needed.

The fuel cost is then calculated by multiplying the fuel needed by the price per liter. For 35.9 liters of fuel at 143 pence per liter, the total comes to £51.4.

In conclusion, the fuel cost from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen amounts to £51.4.


How much fuel a car uses is directly related to how well its engine is oiled. How to do it: 


  • Efficiency: An engine that has been properly cared for and is in good shape works more efficiently, which means it can burn fuel more efficiently and use less of it to make the same amount of power. 
  • Combustion: If the fuel injectors are dirty, the air filters are jammed, or the spark plugs don't work right, the fuel may not burn all the way. This is called incomplete combustion. This wastes fuel and makes people use more of it. 
  • Fuel blend: For the engine to burn efficiently, the fuel-air blend needs to be carefully managed. Any changes from the right ratio, like when an oxygen monitor or fuel injector doesn't work right, can cause the engine to use more fuel than it should. 
  • Mechanical Wear: As an engine ages, parts inside it like piston rings, valves, and seals can wear out. This makes the engine less efficient and causes it to use more petrol. This wear can be lessened with regular upkeep, which can also help keep fuel use in check. 
  • Ignition Timing: If the ignition timing is off, it can cause inefficient combustion and higher fuel usage. This can be caused by a worn distributor or a broken ignition system. 

To sum up, the state of a car's engine is a major factor in how much fuel it uses. For the engine to work well and use little petrol, it needs to be serviced regularly and fixed quickly when something goes wrong.

Diesel cost from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 32.4 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 16.2 £ (32.4/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 10.8 £ (32.4/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 8.1 £ (32.4/4) /p.

Alternative routes from Rushcliffe to Rutherglen

The second route from Rushcliffe to the Rutherglen is 301.98 miles and takes 5 hours and 8 minutes.