Route from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon by car

The driving distance between Staffordshire Moorlands and West Devon is 240 miles. Travel time is 4 hours and 9 minutes by car.

From: Staffordshire Moorlands, County: Staffordshire, England
To: West Devon, County: Devon, England
240 mi , 4 h 9 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon on map

Driving directions from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon

240 mi 4 h 9 min
Head south
532 ft
Turn left
1051 ft
Continue right onto Bradshaw Road
0.6 mi
Turn right
0.5 mi
Turn left
1.2 mi
Continue straight
0.6 mi
Make a slight left onto Apesford Lane
1032 ft
Keep left onto Apesford Lane
0.5 mi
Turn left onto Basford Bridge Lane
0.7 mi
Turn left onto Cheadle Road (A520)
1.5 mi
Go straight onto Main Road (A520)
762 ft
Continue onto Leek Road (A520)
3.5 mi
Continue onto Weston Road (A520)
1.5 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Sandon Road (A520)
120 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Sandon Road (A520)
1.8 mi
Continue slightly left onto Stone Road (A520)
1165 ft
Continue onto Longton Road (A520)
3.8 mi
Continue onto Radford Street (A520)
526 ft
Make a slight left onto Christchurch Way (A520)
1269 ft
Continue onto Stafford Street (A520)
537 ft
Continue onto Stafford Road (A520)
1140 ft
Go straight onto Eccleshall Road (A520)
257 ft
Enter Stafford Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto The Fillybrooks (A34)
32 ft
Exit the roundabout onto The Fillybrooks (A34)
1248 ft
Continue onto Stafford Road (A34)
0.6 mi
Enter Aston Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Stafford Road (A34)
161 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Stafford Road (A34)
1.1 mi
Continue onto Stone Road (A34)
2.1 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Stone Road (A34)
193 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Stone Road (A34)
0.7 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto A34
371 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A34
328 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A34
47 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A34
0.6 mi
Enter Creswell Interchange and take the 2nd exit onto M6
223 ft
Exit the roundabout onto M6
11.9 mi
Keep left onto M6
9.4 mi
Keep left onto M5
163 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards A30
1137 ft
Continue onto A30
27.1 mi
Take the ramp on the left
1280 ft
Turn left onto A386
4.3 mi
Turn left
1091 ft
You have arrived at your destination
0 ft

How much does it cost to drive from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon with petrol?

Let's delve into the expenses of a road trip from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon. The journey using petrol will set you back 41.6 pounds. Now, let's walk through how we arrived at this figure.

Firstly, we consider the price of petrol, which is 143 pence per liter. Next, we take into account the car's fuel consumption rate, which stands at miles per gallon.

Now, suppose you're carpooling. If there are two passengers sharing the ride, each person will contribute 20.8 pounds (£41.6 divided by 2). With three passengers, the cost per person drops to around 13.87 pounds (£41.6 divided by 3). And if there are four passengers onboard, each person chips in 10.4 pounds (£41.6 divided by 4).

Let's delve deeper into the calculations. To determine how much fuel is needed for the trip, we rely on the distance and the car's fuel efficiency. The distance between Staffordshire Moorlands and West Devon is approximately 239.68 miles. So, to cover this distance, the car will require roughly 29.1 liters of petrol. We obtained this value by dividing the distance by the car's fuel consumption rate of miles per gallon and then converting it to liters.

Once we have the amount of fuel needed, we calculate the total cost. Multiplying the fuel quantity (29.1 liters) by the price per liter (143 pence) yields 41.6 pounds. Therefore, the fuel cost for the journey from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon is 41.6 pounds.

Diesel cost from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 26.2 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 13.1 £ (26.2/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 8.73 £ (26.2/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 6.55 £ (26.2/4) /p.

In general, diesel engines tend to have lower fuel consumption compared to petrol engines, all else being equal. This is primarily due to the higher energy density of diesel fuel and the higher thermal efficiency of diesel engines. Diesel fuel contains more energy per liter than petrol, and diesel engines are typically more efficient at converting that energy into mechanical work.

Additionally, diesel engines operate at higher compression ratios, which improves their thermal efficiency and allows them to extract more energy from each unit of fuel. As a result, diesel vehicles often achieve better fuel economy and can travel farther on a gallon or liter of fuel compared to petrol vehicles of similar size and performance.

Ultimately, the choice between diesel and petrol vehicles depends on various factors, including fuel economy preferences, driving patterns, environmental considerations, and local fuel prices and availability.

Alternative routes from Staffordshire Moorlands to West Devon

The second route from Staffordshire Moorlands to the West Devon is 262.38 miles and takes 5 hours and 36 minutes.