Route from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath by car

The driving distance between East Staffordshire and Surrey Heath is 142 miles. Travel time is 2 hours and 36 minutes by car.

From: East Staffordshire, County: Staffordshire, England
To: Surrey Heath, County: Surrey, England
142 mi , 2 h 36 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath on map

Driving directions from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath

142 mi 2 h 36 min
Head northeast
495 ft
Turn right onto Thorney Lanes
1.3 mi
Turn left onto B5234
1.1 mi
Make a slight right onto B5234
0.5 mi
Turn right onto Sudbury Road (A515)
3.5 mi
Continue onto King Street (A515)
1226 ft
Make a slight right onto Main Street (A515)
900 ft
Continue onto Bond End (A515)
1 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit towards A515: Kings Bromley
7 ft
Exit the roundabout towards A515: Kings Bromley
1 mi
Turn left onto Alrewas Road (A513)
3.5 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A513
68 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A513
674 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit
129 ft
Exit the roundabout
480 ft
Take the ramp towards A38: Lichfield
669 ft
Merge right onto Rykneld Street (A38)
2.5 mi
Keep right onto A38
2.2 mi
Keep left onto A38
0.4 mi
Take the ramp
77 ft
Enter Swinfen Interchange and take the 1st exit
262 ft
Exit the roundabout
52 ft
Merge left onto London Road (A38)
5.3 mi
Enter Bassetts Pole and take the 3rd exit onto Sutton Coldfield Bypass (A38)
486 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Sutton Coldfield Bypass (A38)
0.8 mi
Enter Sutton Coldfield Bypass and take the 1st exit onto Sutton Coldfield Bypass (A38)
53 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Sutton Coldfield Bypass (A38)
0.7 mi
Take the ramp on the left onto M6 Toll
4.6 mi
Merge left onto M42
0.9 mi
Keep right onto M42
1069 ft
Take the ramp on the left
669 ft
Merge left onto M42
11.5 mi
Take exit 3A on the left towards M40: London
1 mi
Merge right onto M40
74 mi
Take the ramp on the left
0.3 mi
Keep right at the fork
177 ft
Merge right onto Handy Cross Roundabout
318 ft
Turn right to stay on Handy Cross Roundabout
580 ft
Keep left onto A404
4.2 mi
Enter Bisham Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A404
310 ft
Exit the roundabout onto A404
2.9 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards A4: Reading
1143 ft
Enter The Thicket Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Bath Road (A4)
3 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Bath Road (A4)
333 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Cannon Lane
160 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Cannon Lane
1.2 mi
Turn right onto Waltham Road
0.9 mi
Turn left onto Church lane
0.4 mi
Continue slightly left onto Littlefield Green (B3024)
0.6 mi
Turn right onto Howe Lane
0.7 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Drift Road
11 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Drift Road
0.9 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Ascot Road (A330)
98 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Ascot Road (A330)
1.7 mi
Continue slightly left onto Kingscroft Lane (A330)
0.3 mi
Continue onto Cock's Lane (A330)
0.3 mi
Continue onto Maiden's Green (A330)
781 ft
Go straight onto Church Road (A330)
0.6 mi
Turn right onto Braziers Lane
0.8 mi
Continue onto Locks Ride
0.7 mi
Continue onto Priory Road (B3017)
0.6 mi
Continue onto Swinley Road (B3017)
0.7 mi
Turn right onto Swinley Road (A332)
1.7 mi
Merge right onto A322
445 ft
Keep left onto Bracknell Road (A322)
0.9 mi
Continue onto Bagshot Bypass (A322)
0.9 mi
Go straight onto A322
1.6 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Guildford Road (A322)
232 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Guildford Road (A322)
0.3 mi
Turn right onto Brentmoor Road
0.9 mi
You have arrived at your destination
0 ft

How much does it cost to travel from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath by car?

The journey from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath by car comes with a price tag of £24.6 if you're using petrol. Let's break it down. The petrol price we're talking about here is 143 pence per liter, and the car chugs along at 37.5 miles per gallon. Now, if you're thinking about carpooling with a couple of mates, each of you only has to fork out £12.3 for the trip (£24.6 divided by 2). With three buddies on board, it's about £8.2 each (£24.6 divided by 3), and if you've got a full car of four, it's just £6.15 each (£24.6 divided by 4). So, that's the financial aspect of the journey.

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how we got these figures. The fuel cost calculation is based on how far you're traveling and how thirsty your car is. For this journey, you'd need about 17.2 liters of fuel. And that's where the £24.6 comes from for the trip from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath.

In summary, the total fuel cost for the journey is £24.6, factoring in the distance, petrol price, and car fuel consumption. Whether you're flying solo or sharing the ride with friends, knowing the breakdown of these costs can help you plan your trip and budget accordingly.


There are several reasons that affect fuel consumption when you drive. The most important are:

  1. Driving Habits: Aggressive driving behaviors such as rapid acceleration, speeding, and frequent braking can significantly increase fuel consumption.

  2. Vehicle Maintenance: Proper maintenance, including regular oil changes, tire rotations, and engine tune-ups, ensures optimal fuel efficiency. Neglecting maintenance can lead to decreased fuel efficiency and higher fuel consumption.

  3. Vehicle Specifications: The make and model of the vehicle, engine size, weight, aerodynamics, and fuel efficiency rating all play a role in determining fuel consumption.

  4. Driving Conditions: Factors such as traffic congestion, road conditions, elevation changes, and weather conditions can affect fuel consumption. Stop-and-go driving in heavy traffic or driving uphill requires more fuel compared to steady highway driving on flat terrain.

  5. Fuel Quality: The quality of fuel used, including octane rating and the presence of additives, can impact fuel efficiency. Lower-quality fuels may lead to decreased efficiency and higher consumption.

Diesel cost from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 15.5 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 7.75 £ (15.5/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 5.17 £ (15.5/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 3.88 £ (15.5/4) /p.

Alternative routes from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath

The second route from East Staffordshire to the Surrey Heath is 170.11 miles and takes 3 hours and 6 minutes.

The third route from East Staffordshire to the Surrey Heath is 142.26 miles and takes 3 hours and 13 minutes.

Which is the cheapest route from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath by car?

The cheapest route from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath is the first suggested route (142mi, 2h 36min) and costs 24.6 £ (petrol fuel cost, 143p/lt, 37.5mpg).

The second cheapest route from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath is the third suggested route (142mi, 3h 13min) and costs 24.7 £.

The most expensive route from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath is the second suggested route (170mi, 3h 6min) and costs 29.5 £.

For greater safety, the driver should choose the route that passes through the highway (median barrier) and not through smaller roads (curves in the road, bad road conditions, no median barrier).

How to get from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath?

There are three suggested routes. The fastest route is 142mi (distance from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath) and its duration is 2h 36min. The other route is 170mi, and its duration is 3h 6min. The slowest route is 142mi, and its duration is 3h 13min.

RouteCalculator provides you with the information to prepare your trip from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath by car or motorbike. It offers you alternative road routes that you can follow to go from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath. It provides driving directions from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath, i.e. where to turn and when, distance of the East Staffordshire - Surrey Heath route, travel time, display of the route on the map, fuel cost (petrol, diesel) and toll (if exist) cost.

In case you share the journey (carpooling) from East Staffordshire to Surrey Heath with other people or friends, RouteCalculator provides the cost of the journey and the amount that each passenger will have to pay.

Where is East Staffordshire located?

East Staffordshire is located in Staffordshire county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 139 meters above sea level. East Staffordshire has coordinates 52.8386520o,-1.8285760o. RouteCalculator provides a map of East Staffordshire from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.

What is the location of Surrey Heath?

Surrey Heath is located in Surrey county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 48 meters above sea level. Surrey Heath has coordinates 51.3346257o,-0.6689460o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Surrey Heath from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.