Route from Gedling to Blaby by car

The driving distance between Gedling and Blaby is 36.7 miles. Travel time is 47 minutes by car.

From: Gedling, County: Nottinghamshire, England
To: Blaby, County: Leicestershire, England
36.7 mi , 47 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Gedling to Blaby on map

Driving directions from Gedling to Blaby

36.7 mi 47 min
Head west on Duncroft Avenue
223 ft
Turn left onto Main Road
462 ft
Continue onto Gedling Road
1298 ft
Continue slightly left onto Manor Road
687 ft
Turn left onto Station Road
860 ft
Continue onto Victoria Road
563 ft
Turn right onto Meadow Road
642 ft
Keep left onto Chaworth Road
1097 ft
Turn right to stay on Chaworth Road
338 ft
Continue slightly left onto Vale Road
0.6 mi
Turn right onto Vale Road (A612)
311 ft
Continue onto Daleside Road East (A612)
1 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Daleside Road (A612)
73 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Daleside Road (A612)
0.4 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Daleside Road (A612)
86 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Daleside Road (A612)
0.3 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit
160 ft
Exit the roundabout
66 ft
Continue onto Meadow Lane (A6011)
0.3 mi
Make a slight left to stay on Meadow Lane (A6011)
1131 ft
Turn left onto London Road (A60)
1224 ft
Keep right onto Loughborough Road (A60)
0.4 mi
Turn right onto Wilford Lane (B679)
1.1 mi
Continue onto Clifton Lane (B679)
0.5 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Remembrance Way
329 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Remembrance Way
1185 ft
Merge right onto Remembrance Way (A453)
0.3 mi
Enter Farnbourgh Road Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Remembrance Way (A453)
179 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Remembrance Way (A453)
1 mi
Enter Crusader Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Remembrance Way (A453)
145 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Remembrance Way (A453)
0.6 mi
Enter Mill Hill Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Remembrance Way (A453)
260 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Remembrance Way (A453)
5.6 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards M1: The SOUTH
0.3 mi
Merge right onto M1
18.2 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards M69: Birmingham
1094 ft
Keep left towards A5460
892 ft
Merge right onto A5460
483 ft
Take the ramp on the left towards A563: Leicester
1180 ft
Keep left towards A563
460 ft
Merge right onto Lubbesthorpe Way (A563)
0.4 mi
Enter Everard's Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Everard's Roundabout
161 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Everard's Roundabout
167 ft
Continue slightly right onto St Johns (B4114)
1021 ft
Keep left onto St Johns (B4114)
0.7 mi
Enter Foxhunter Roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Enderby Road (B582)
44 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Enderby Road (B582)
1 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 4th exit onto Blaby Bypass (A426)
335 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Blaby Bypass (A426)
0.5 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto Grove Road
8 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Grove Road
0.4 mi
Turn right onto Lutterworth Road
29 ft
You have arrived at your destination
0 ft

How much does it cost to travel from Gedling to Blaby by car?

Fuel for the journey in the form of petrol costs 6.3 pounds. The gasoline price is assumed to be 143 pence per litre in the calculation above, and the vehicle's fuel consumption is 37.5 miles per gallon.
The expense for two individuals participating in a carpool is £3.15 (equivalent to 6.3/2) per passenger.
The fare for this journey for three individuals in the vehicle is 2.1 pounds (6.3/3) per passenger.
1.58 pounds (6.3/4) per passenger is the expense of this journey for a car carrying four passengers.

(36.65 miles at 37.5 mpg) x 143 pence per litre for fuel equals 6.3 pounds.

To be more precise, the outcome is as follows:

Fuel Required = Distance / Vehicle Fuel Consumption (in miles multiplied by 4.54609 per vehicle)4.4 litres are consumed (36.65 miles * 4.54609 / 37.5 mpg).

Required fuel = 4.4 lt

Fuel expenses are calculated as follows: 4.4 litres x 143 pence per litre, or 6.3 pounds

6.3 pounds for fuel to get from Gedling to Blaby


Driving habits can have a significant impact on car fuel consumption. Some explanations are below:

  1. Acceleration and Deceleration: Aggressive driving habits such as rapid acceleration and frequent hard braking can lead to increased fuel consumption. Smooth, gradual acceleration and deceleration are more fuel-efficient.

  2. Speeding: Driving at high speeds consumes more fuel due to increased aerodynamic drag. Maintaining a moderate and consistent speed can help conserve fuel.

  3. Idling: Leaving the engine running while parked or waiting unnecessarily burns fuel. Turning off the engine when stationary for extended periods can help reduce fuel consumption.

  4. Air Conditioning Usage: Running the air conditioning system at maximum settings can increase fuel consumption. Using the AC sparingly and opting for natural ventilation when possible can save fuel.

  5. Overloading: Carrying excessive weight in the vehicle, such as heavy cargo or unnecessary items, can increase fuel consumption by putting additional strain on the engine. Removing unnecessary weight can improve fuel efficiency.

Diesel cost from Gedling to Blaby.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 4 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 2 £ (4/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 1.33 £ (4/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 1 £ (4/4) /p.

Alternative routes from Gedling to Blaby

The second route from Gedling to the Blaby is 39.93 miles and takes 49 minutes.

The third route from Gedling to the Blaby is 38.82 miles and takes 52 minutes.

Which is the cheapest route from Gedling to Blaby by car?

The cheapest route from Gedling to Blaby is the first suggested route (36.7mi, 47min) and costs 6.3 £ (petrol fuel cost, 143p/lt, 37.5mpg).

The second cheapest route from Gedling to Blaby is the third suggested route (38.8mi, 52min) and costs 6.7 £.

The most expensive route from Gedling to Blaby is the second suggested route (39.9mi, 49min) and costs 6.9 £.

For greater safety, the driver should choose the route that passes through the highway (median barrier) and not through smaller roads (curves in the road, bad road conditions, no median barrier).

How to get from Gedling to Blaby?

There are three suggested routes. The fastest route is 36.7mi (distance from Gedling to Blaby) and its duration is 47min. The other route is 39.9mi, and its duration is 49min. The slowest route is 38.8mi, and its duration is 52min.

RouteCalculator provides you with the information to prepare your trip from Gedling to Blaby by car or motorbike. It offers you alternative road routes that you can follow to go from Gedling to Blaby. It provides driving directions from Gedling to Blaby, i.e. where to turn and when, distance of the Gedling - Blaby route, travel time, display of the route on the map, fuel cost (petrol, diesel) and toll (if exist) cost.

In case you share the journey (carpooling) from Gedling to Blaby with other people or friends, RouteCalculator provides the cost of the journey and the amount that each passenger will have to pay.

Where is Gedling located?

Gedling is located in Nottinghamshire county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 35 meters above sea level. Gedling has coordinates 52.9734550o,-1.0800559o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Gedling from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.

What is the location of Blaby?

Blaby is located in Leicestershire county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 72 meters above sea level. Blaby has coordinates 52.5707761o,-1.1656497o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Blaby from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.