Route from Sedgemoor to Bishopbriggs by car

The driving distance between Sedgemoor and Bishopbriggs is 401 miles. Travel time is 6 hours and 44 minutes by car.

From: Sedgemoor, County: Somerset, England
To: Bishopbriggs, County: East Dunbartonshire, Scotland
401 mi , 6 h 44 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Sedgemoor to Bishopbriggs on map

Driving directions from Sedgemoor to Bishopbriggs

401 mi 6 h 44 min
Head west on Gold Corner Drove
0.4 mi
Turn left
0.7 mi
Continue slightly left onto Burtle Road
0.3 mi
Turn right onto Church Road (B3141)
1.6 mi
Turn right onto Mark Road (B3139)
0.4 mi
Turn left onto Pillmore Lane
0.6 mi
Continue slightly right onto Burnham Moor Lane
0.8 mi
Turn right onto Bristol Road (A38)
1188 ft
Enter Edithmead Roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Edithmead Spur (M5)
656 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Edithmead Spur (M5)
328 ft
Keep left onto Edithmead Spur (M5)
24.2 mi
Keep right onto M5
86 mi
Keep right onto M5
1.7 mi
Keep left onto M5
0.3 mi
Merge right onto M6
5.9 mi
Keep right onto M6
72 mi
Keep right onto M6
116 mi
Continue onto A74(M)
48.9 mi
Continue onto M74
29.2 mi
Take exit 4 on the left towards M73: Stirling
0.3 mi
Keep right towards M73: Stirling
1.2 mi
Take exit 2 on the left towards M8: Glasgow City centre
0.8 mi
Merge left onto M8
5.8 mi
Take exit 15 on the left towards A803: Springburn
807 ft
Turn right onto Castle Street (A803)
803 ft
Turn left onto A804
341 ft
Turn right onto Springburn Road (A803)
2 mi
Continue onto Kirkintilloch Road (A803)
0.4 mi
Turn left onto Brackenbrae Road
77 ft
Turn right to stay on Brackenbrae Road
744 ft
Turn right onto Kenmure Crescent
328 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right
0 ft

What's the expense of traveling from Sedgemoor to Bishopbriggs by car?

Driving from Sedgemoor to Bishopbriggs costs £69.4 if you use petrol. Break it down. The automobile gets 37.5 mpg and costs 143 pence per litre. If you want to carpool with friends, each of you simply pays £34.7 (£69.4 split by 2). With three friends, it's £23.13 each (£69.4 divided by 3), and with four, it's £17.35 a piece. So that's the trip's finances.

Let's examine how we got these numbers. The fuel cost depends on your car's thirst and distance. About 48.6 litres of petrol are needed for this trip. This accounts for the £69.4 Sedgemoor-Bishopbriggs fare.

In all, the travel costs £69.4 due to distance, petrol price, and car fuel use. Knowing these prices can help you budget and organise your trip, whether you're flying alone or with company.

Diesel cost from Sedgemoor to Bishopbriggs.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 43.9 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 21.95 £ (43.9/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 14.63 £ (43.9/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 10.98 £ (43.9/4) /p.

The main reasons diesel cars use less fuel than petrol cars are:

Diesel engines have higher compression ratios than petrol engines, improving thermal efficiency. Diesel engines extract more energy from each fuel unit due to this increased compression ratio, improving thermal efficiency. Diesel automobiles have superior fuel economy than petrol ones.

Diesel engines create more torque at lower RPM than petrol engines. Diesel vehicles perform better in steady-state driving, requiring less throttle input to maintain speed. Thus, diesel cars have reduced fuel consumption, especially on highways.

Where is Sedgemoor located?

Sedgemoor is located in Somerset county and in England. It is situated at an altitude of 5 meters above sea level. Sedgemoor has coordinates 51.1851021o,-2.9140480o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Sedgemoor from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.

What is the location of Bishopbriggs?

Bishopbriggs is located in East Dunbartonshire county and in Scotland. It is situated at an altitude of 64 meters above sea level. Bishopbriggs has coordinates 55.9041850o,-4.2284940o. RouteCalculator provides a map of Bishopbriggs from which you can plan your trips to other UK cities.