Route from Halton to Allerdale by car

The driving distance between Halton and Allerdale is 131 miles. Travel time is 2 hours and 18 minutes by car.

From: Halton, County: Cheshire, England
To: Allerdale, County: Cumbria, England
131 mi , 2 h 18 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Halton to Allerdale on map

Driving directions from Halton to Allerdale

131 mi 2 h 18 min
Head north
118 ft
Turn right onto Castle Road
208 ft
Make a sharp left onto The Underway
1302 ft
Turn right onto Main Street
289 ft
Continue left onto Halton Brow
0.3 mi
Continue onto Boston Avenue
356 ft
Turn right towards A558
1012 ft
Take the ramp towards A558
464 ft
Enter Bridgewater Interchange and take the 2nd exit towards A533
265 ft
Exit the roundabout towards A533
470 ft
Keep left towards A533
1047 ft
Merge right onto Mersey Gateway Bridge (A533)
1.3 mi
Take the ramp on the left
0.3 mi
Enter Widnes Loops Roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Queensway (A557)
575 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Queensway (A557)
0.4 mi
Continue onto Ashley Way (A557)
1252 ft
Enter Waterfront Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Watkinson Way (A557)
526 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Watkinson Way (A557)
3.2 mi
Enter Rainhill Stoops Interchange and take the 4th exit
0.3 mi
Exit the roundabout
0.5 mi
Merge left onto M62
5.4 mi
Take the ramp on the left
0.4 mi
Enter Stump Cross and take the 1st exit onto Newton Road (A49)
125 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Newton Road (A49)
0.3 mi
Enter Winwick Park Roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto Winwick Link Road (A49)
377 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Winwick Link Road (A49)
1.1 mi
Enter Winwick Interchange and take the 1st exit towards M6: Wigan
55 ft
Exit the roundabout towards M6: Wigan
1137 ft
Merge right onto M6
5.3 mi
Keep right onto M6
91 mi
Take the ramp on the left
0.3 mi
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit onto B5305
47 ft
Exit the roundabout onto B5305
6.7 mi
Turn left
1.4 mi
Continue onto Salter Lonning
3.8 mi
Continue onto B5299
6 mi
Continue straight
0.8 mi
Turn right
241 ft
Turn left
0.6 mi
You have arrived at your destination, on the left
0 ft

What's the cost of a drive from Halton to Allerdale?

The journey, powered by petrol, sets you back £22.7. In this calculation, we're crunching numbers based on a petrol price of 143 pence per liter and a car's thirst of miles per gallon. If you're carpooling with a buddy, that's £11.35 each (£22.7 divided by 2). With a trio onboard, it drops to around £7.57 a head (£22.7 divided by 3), and with a full car of four, it's a mere £5.68 per person (£22.7 divided by 4).

Let's dig into the math behind it. The fuel expenditure hinges on the distance covered and the car's efficiency. For this particular jaunt, you're looking at guzzling down roughly 15.9 liters of fuel. Crunching the numbers, that's where the £22.7 total comes from for the trip from Halton to Allerdale.


One thing that can affect car fuel consumption is tire air pressure for the following reasons:

  1. Rolling Resistance: Properly inflated tires have less rolling resistance, meaning they require less energy to keep the vehicle moving. This reduces the workload on the engine and improves fuel efficiency. On the other hand, under-inflated tires increase rolling resistance, forcing the engine to work harder and consuming more fuel.

  2. Optimal Performance: Tires that are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure level ensure optimal performance and fuel efficiency. Deviating from this recommended pressure level, either by under-inflating or over-inflating the tires, can lead to decreased fuel efficiency.

  3. Tire Wear: Improper tire inflation can cause uneven tire wear, which can further increase rolling resistance and fuel consumption. Regularly checking and maintaining proper tire pressure can help prevent premature tire wear and maintain fuel efficiency.

  4. Handling and Stability: Properly inflated tires also contribute to better handling and stability, especially during cornering and braking. This can lead to smoother driving, which in turn can help improve fuel efficiency by reducing the need for sudden acceleration or braking maneuvers.

  5. Environmental Impact: Maintaining proper tire pressure is not only beneficial for fuel efficiency but also reduces tire wear and extends tire life. This helps reduce the environmental impact associated with tire disposal and manufacturing, contributing to overall sustainability.

Overall, maintaining proper tire air pressure is essential for optimal fuel efficiency, vehicle performance, and safety. Regularly checking and adjusting tire pressure according to the manufacturer's recommendations can help drivers save fuel and reduce their environmental footprint.

Diesel cost from Halton to Allerdale.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 14.4 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 7.2 £ (14.4/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 4.8 £ (14.4/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 3.6 £ (14.4/4) /p.

Alternative routes from Halton to Allerdale

The second route from Halton to the Allerdale is 124.43 miles and takes 3 hours and 4 minutes.