Route from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead by car

The driving distance between Hounslow and Windsor and Maidenhead is 14.4 miles. Travel time is 19 minutes by car.

From: Hounslow, County: Greater London, England
To: Windsor and Maidenhead, County: Berkshire, England
14.4 mi , 19 min
Tolls: Stations
Fuel consumption:
Fuel cost:

Route from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead on map

Driving directions from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead

14.4 mi 19 min
Head southwest on Wellington Avenue
452 ft
Turn right onto Wellington Road South (A3063)
0.7 mi
Turn left onto Bath Road (A3006)
0.8 mi
Enter Henlys Roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto Bath Road (A4)
150 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Bath Road (A4)
0.4 mi
Enter Waggoners Roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto The Parkway (A312)
280 ft
Exit the roundabout onto The Parkway (A312)
1 mi
Enter Cranford Parkway Interchange and take the 2nd exit onto M4
161 ft
Exit the roundabout onto M4
0.3 mi
Merge right onto M4
8.9 mi
Take the ramp on the left towards A355: Slough (Centre)
0.3 mi
Enter Tuns Lane Interchange and take the 1st exit onto Royal Windsor Way (A355)
62 ft
Exit the roundabout onto Royal Windsor Way (A355)
1.2 mi
Make a slight left onto Royal Windsor Way
835 ft
Enter the roundabout and take the 1st exit
7 ft
Exit the roundabout
230 ft
Continue onto Maidenhead Road
917 ft
Continue onto Arthur Road
764 ft
Turn right onto Alma Road
439 ft
Turn left
236 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right
0 ft

What's the expense of traveling from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead by car?

The cost of travelling by automobile from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead is £2.5 when using petrol. Let us analyse and dissect the information. The petrol price under discussion is 143 pence per litre, while the car's fuel efficiency is miles per gallon. If you are considering carpooling with a few friends, each person just needs to contribute £1.25 for the journey (£2.5 divided by 2). When there are three people in the car, each person will pay approximately £0.83 (£2.5 divided by 3). If there are four people in the car, each person would pay £0.63 (£2.5 divided by 4). Thus, that encompasses the financial facet of the expedition.

Now, let's delve into the intricate details of how we obtained these figures. The gasoline cost calculation is determined by the distance of your travel and the fuel efficiency of your car. To complete this journey, you would require approximately 1.7 litres of fuel. And that's the source of the £2.5 fare for the journey from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead.

The whole fuel expenditure for the trip amounts to £2.5, taking into account the distance travelled, the price of petrol, and the fuel efficiency of the car. Regardless of whether you are travelling alone or with companions, understanding the breakdown of these expenses may assist you in organising your journey and managing your finances effectively.

Diesel cost from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead.

The trip with diesel fuel costs 1.6 £ (151p/lt, 62.7 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 0.8 £ (1.6/2) /p.
For 3 passengers: 0.53 £ (1.6/3) /p.
For 4 passengers: 0.4 £ (1.6/4) /p.

Fuel efficiency of diesel and petrol: 

Diesel Fuel: Diesel engines use less fuel than petrol ones. Diesel fuel's higher energy density and diesel engines' superior thermal efficiency are the main reasons. Diesel fuel has more energy per litre or gallon than petrol, hence diesel engines can extract more energy. Diesel engines also have larger compression ratios, improving thermal efficiency. Diesel vehicles get better fuel efficiency and travel farther per gallon or litre than petrol vehicles of equal size and performance. 
Fuel efficiency is lower for petrol engines than diesel engines. Petrol is still an effective internal combustion engine fuel, but it has less energy density than diesel. This means petrol engines may need more fuel than diesel engines to function similarly. In recent years, turbocharging and direct injection have increased petrol engine fuel efficiency, closing the gap between petrol and diesel vehicles. 
Due to their higher energy density and thermal efficiency, diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than petrol engines. Diesel and petrol vehicle fuel efficiency can also be affected by driving habits, vehicle design, and other variables.

Alternative routes from Hounslow to Windsor and Maidenhead

The second route from Hounslow to the Windsor and Maidenhead is 13.71 miles and takes 21 minutes.

The third route from Hounslow to the Windsor and Maidenhead is 11.99 miles and takes 22 minutes.